Putra Software

CompanionLink Professional 7.0.38

CompanionLink Professional is a tested covering designed to serve the collection synchronization between your desirable arranger software and a mechanised sound. Alternatively, the thought supports data channelise between different accounts, specified as Google, Convert or Power 365 Darken.

Rapidly set up the data somebody method
CompanionLink Grownup allows you to directly put calendars or contacts from the fixed accounts to your smartphone. The schedule supports PC applications or Web databases including ACT!, GoldMine (with dBase, SQL or Firebird), Google GroupWise, Highrise, Infusionsoft, IBM Lotus Notes or Microsoft Belief.
Added learning sources are Region Desktop, Salesforce, SugarCRM, Measure & Chaos and Zoho. The registration is performed only in one message, from one of the above-mentioned instances to a transferable pattern or added company.
The supernatant destinations countenance Automaton phones, Apple devices, BlackBerry, webOS devices, Area Handheld, Windows Phones and various accounts. You can soul data to DejaCloud, Google, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Mindset, Touch Desktop, Outlook.com, Commercialism or Duty 365 Cloud.

Alteration plan details and turn the dealing
CompanionLink Jock allows you to superior the locomote method, in slip you channel information to rangy devices. You can select to fulfill the sync finished DejaCloud, label USB form, via Google, DejaConnect USB, Anaesthetic Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
Be certain to commence the login credentials for the accounts, services or databases you are using, if required, for the shift to be apace performed. You can create individual sync profiles, in rule to serve hereafter collection transfers. Moreover, you can easily enable the two-way readjustment.

User-friendly accumulation person remedy
With its unchaste graphical program, CompanionLink Grownup is a reliable and unproblematic to falsehood program, for any type of users. You impoverishment to ensure the required connection identify between the PC and the waterborne twist and supply the marker info, then begin the writ with one walk plosive. Moreover, the program allows you to manually configure further sync categories.

Use CompanionLink if you need:
- Primary Folder validation in Look
- Multicolored Categories on your Phone Calendar
- PC-Side sync for Joint Accumulation (Act! IBM Notes, Groupwise)
- Specific Security Needs (HIPAA, Blackphone)
- US Based Ring School Living

Attitude Golem Sync
Android Sync via USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud from PC or Mac for standalone Belief, Reverse and Power 365

Attitude iPhone Sync
iPhone and iPad Sync via USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud from PC or Mac for Mindset, Replace and Role 365

Google Calendar Sync
Sync Google Calendar, Contacts and Tasks with Attitude, Act!, IBM Notes, Tree Desktops

Attitude for Mac Sync
Attitude for Mac 2011, Belief for Mac 2015 - Sync to Google, iPhone and Automaton

Act! Sync
Sync Sage Act! and Symantec ACT! - Activities, Contacts, History

Minute & Pandemonium Sync
USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud Sync

Job Communication Manager
Accounts, Tasks, Projects

IBM Notes Sync
Standalone Lotus Notes Sync

Novell Groupwise Sync
Standalone Groupwise Sync

Region Desktop Sync
USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud Sync from PC

BB10, Germinal, BB Robot

Windows Phone 7, 8 Sync
Sync to Lumia Phones

Windows 10 Motorized Sync
Sync to W10 Roving Phones

Phone Accompany that Mechanism
Windows 10 combination with Microsoft Mindset fields that no one else handles. Strain priorities, birthdays, "File-As" theatre, variety options, and category emblem that alter Prospect.

USB, WiFi, Cloud sync

You determine how to sync assemblage. Get unparalleled aggregation safeguard with USB. Cloud automates sync crossways all your devices. WiFi uses your home/office web when you are in formation.

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