Putra Software

Alternate DLL Analyzer 1.500 Multilingual

A simple application for viewing and extracting the available function names of a .dll file. A DLL file itself can contain several functionalities, which can be used simultaneously by several programs. This program is freeware. The application also offers the ability to cite the function names as well as the image header, common file information, a checksum, and the version information of the selected .dll file. It can also be called with parameters from the command line.

With DLL Analyzer, you can load the resources contained in a DLL file to display the names of the functions contained. It allows developers to view the available function names and save the list on their computer.
DLL files (Dynamic Link Library) contain a variety of functions, data, and other resources accessed by other executable files. The features enable the developer to integrate the library into their programs, making them important for the development process.
While most development environments have the ability to display the resources they contain, these programs are complex and require a lot of space on your computer. This tool is intended to provide you with an easy alternative only to display the available features.

All you have to do is specify the DLL file and select the function type before scanning the file. The app displays the number of detected items and lists their names in the main window. You can display line numbers to quickly find a specific entry.
If you need to save the list to your hard drive, you can copy the names to your clipboard or export all the details to a simple text file. Unfortunately, you must create separate files for each category when you need to save all the functions.
In addition to the graphical interface, you can quickly create the text file using command line arguments. The use is described in the documentation supplied if you want to access this function.
Overall, the DLL Analyzer is a simple software solution that helps you search and export the list of available functions from a .dll file.

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