AIO Boot adalah utilitas praktis yang memungkinkan Anda membuat bootable USB atau disk drive dengan Grub2 atau Clover dalam beberapa langkah sederhana. Selain itu, memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan booting melalui LAN dengan PXE Server dan iPXE Tiny, serta mengintegrasikan beberapa sistem operasi atau program pendukung.
- Straightforward installation and deployment procedure : Once you have downloaded the application, you need to select the drive where the necessary files should be extracted. This should be the bootable USB or HDD you wish to create.
- Integrate multiple operating systems or support programs : Once you have installed the desired component, you can switch to the Integration tab and select a package that you wish to integrate. The program provides you with helpful links that can be used to find and download the necessary software.
- Simple utility that lacks English documentation : If you have a certain amount of experience with these operations, creating a bootable drive should not be too difficult. The UI features a fairly straightforward layout, so instructions may not be necessary.