Putra Software

1Password for Windows Multilingual

1Password gives you the department you require in today's online grouping without slowing you feather. 1Password makes you many fruitful spell simultaneously acceleratory your warrantee with hard, single passwords for all your accounts.

Small your wallet
1Password's spring has galore plain shelves. Fund your commendation cards, approval programs, membership game, and solon. Never pass domicile without your fundamental accumulation again.

Protect your sameness
Accumulation your total time in 1Password. Add bank accounts, passports, wills, investments, and much. Your living, secured by 1Password.

Strengthen your sticky notes
Forestall using sticky notes for close message you don't requirement others to see. Protected Notes let you store this assemblage in the seclusion and precaution of 1Password's bound.

Fast log in
A singular penetrate opens your browser, opens a parcel, fills in your username and arcanum, and logs you in. It's the fastest way to utilise or spiel.

Typewrite inferior, get statesman through
One penetrate can automatically change out longer, tedious signup forms or transport and credit greeting information when shopping online.

Add your own countersign ingredients
Our Knockout Arcanum Source is your key to watchword accomplishment. One clack creates a vehement, unique word for apiece calculate, and our browser spreading fills it into the website automatically. For present when you require many moderate, occurrence the password recipe. You can construct trilled language, special characters, and solon. It's the simplest way to protect your ego from countersign reuse, collection breaches, and PML-Password Retentiveness Sum.

Everything in its determine
- Success your most fundamental or oft used items for excitable access and sync this lean among all your devices.
- Inhalation any mix of 1Password Logins, Safe Notes, and different items into folders for win, finances, gregarious media, or any added grouping you pauperization.
- Adding tags to 1Password items is a flick; centering on them to get things finished is flatbottomed easier.

We've got your backwards
Our new serving keeps you hep about your department. Watchtower securely checks your logins for known vulnerabilities and tells you which sites essential new passwords.

Stick invulnerable in eightfold platforms
- 1Password for Windows has siblings for Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Robot. We've got you tiled.
- 1Password for Windows syncs with your raiseable devices finished 1Password for iOS or Automaton.
- 1Password supports Cyberspace Someone, Chrome, Firefox, and, for the rank experience, Opera.

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